major league mindset Blog

Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

the ‘woop’ process

Today I thought it'd be a great time to talk about one of my favorite ways to go about hitting whatever targets (goals) you set for yourself: the WOOP process. “WOOP” was designed by Gabriele Oettingen, a professor at New York University and author of the great book ‘Rethinking Positive Thinking’. For over 20 years she has researched the science of motivation, so it’s safe to say she knows what it takes to help you achieve anything you may be after in your life, both ON and OFF the field.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer


In this podcast, I will dive deep into the mental strategies that define champions. Every lesson learned from every home run, strikeout, 'slump', and hot streak will be shared with you.

Whether you're a player looking to go pro, a coach aiming to inspire, or a parent supporting a young athlete's dream, this podcast offers insights to uplift your mental game.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

do you “show your hand” in competition?

When playing cards, would you ever willingly show your hand to your opponents? Of course not.

Yet, in sports, athletes often reveal far more than they realize through their body language. Poor posture, slumped shoulders, or a look of frustration doesn't just affect personal performance; it broadcasts vulnerabilities to everyone watching.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

the most important 10-15 seconds in baseball

Developing a pre-pitch routine is essential. This routine should help you take control of your thoughts, your breath, your self-talk, and your focus. It’s not just about preparing for the next pitch; it's about resetting your mind, regulating your emotions, gaining self-control, blocking out distractions, and maintaining your composure, especially in high-pressure situations.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

2023: Step into the batter's box of self-reflection

As we enter 2024, let's not just make resolutions; let's plan for greatness. Our Major League Mindset has brought us far, and there's more to come. Together, lets keep striving for excellence (ARETÉ), approaching challenges, and becoming our best selves, as we help others do the same.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

mastering the holidays: A mlm guide

As we wind down the year and head into the holiday season, it's essential to reflect on the path you've traveled and the goals you've pursued. The holiday season can be a time of not just joy, but also renewal and recommitment to what drives you.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

Turning Playoff Defeat into Future Triumphs

In the world of baseball, the playoffs are the ultimate test of skill, strategy and fortitude. But as we know, only one team will ultimately claim the championship. So, what happens to the rest? How do they deal with the sting of defeat and transform it into a stepping stone for the future?

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

How Playoff Baseball Can Cultivate a Major League Mindset

October is here, and you know what that means—baseball playoffs are in full swing. It's a time of year when the intensity on the field reaches its peak. But did you know that you can turn watching the playoffs into a valuable learning experience for your own game? Today, we're diving into how you can leverage the playoffs to enhance your skills and adopt a Major League Mindset.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

How to quickly recover from mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable. Letting them snowball is optional. The key is to know they’re part of baseball (and life) and ALL players (and people) make them. What truly sets champions apart is their ability to prevent one mistake from turning into a disastrous snowball effect. Today, we're delving into the art of halting mistakes in their tracks and regaining control of your performance.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

keep your cool in the heat of competition

A Major League Mindset is about becoming a master of your emotions and focus. By incorporating these strategies into your mental game toolkit, you'll stand ready to tackle any high-stakes situation with the poise and determination of a true champion.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

Back to school guide - mlm style

Striking a healthy balance between academic and athletic excellence is a big part of everything we do here at Major League Mindset. Let's dive into how you can set yourself up for an MVP-worthy school year by mastering targets (goals), routines, time management, and quality sleep.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

find your fuel and utilize it!

Let’s dive into a topic that is essential for your growth as a ballplayer: finding your fuel. You see, fuel is what ignites your passion and determination to make the most of your potential. It's the fire that keeps you going, even when the road gets tough. We'll explore the different types of fuel that can propel you forward and provide tips on how to harness it to elevate your game.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

tips for ballplayers to seize the summer

Remember, time is a valuable asset, as we all have the same amount of it. It’s those who optimize the time they have that end up seeing the most growth as a ballplayer. By implementing these tips, managing your time effectively, and staying committed to your goals, you'll not only make remarkable progress in your skills but also create a foundation for long-term success.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

unleash your antifragile confidence

As athletes and human beings, we all will constantly be hit with adversity as life and sports are messy and unpredictable. It's how we respond to these challenges that truly defines our character and determines our levels of success. That’s where having Antifragile Confidence comes in.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

take control of the controllables

As athletes, we often get caught up and worry about what’s NOT in our control - the umpires, what other people think, the past, the future, our opponents, field conditions, etc. When we focus too much on these uncontrollables, we lose control of what really matters: our own performance and the present-moment.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

8 tips to overcome fear

It all starts with identifying your fears and understanding where they come from. Are you afraid of failing because you don't want to let your teammates, coaches, or parents down? Are you afraid of making a mistake because you worry about what others think? Once you identify your fears, you can start to develop strategies for overcoming them.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer


As a ball player, having confidence in your abilities can make all the difference when it comes to performing at your best. Today, we'll explore the importance of self-belief for baseball players and provide tips for developing and maintaining a strong sense of confidence.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

game day routine

Today, we're talking about the importance of having a set game day routine. Every athlete should have their own unique way of preparing for a game (there is no THE WAY!). The important thing is that you have a routine that helps you get in the zone mentally and physically.

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Brandon Guyer Brandon Guyer

The power of visualization

Visualization involves creating a mental image of yourself performing a skill, such as hitting, pitching or making a play on defense. Many studies have proven that our brains cannot distinguish the difference between what we vividly imagine and what we physically do.

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