unleash your antifragile confidence

As athletes and human beings, we’ll all constantly be hit with adversity as life is messy and unpredictable. It's how we respond to these challenges that truly defines our character and determines our levels of success.

That’s where having Antifragile Confidence comes in. First a quick definition of the two words…

Antifragile = The opposite of fragile. Instead of breaking easily, you are unbreakable. You don’t just bounce back fast from adversity, you bounce back STRONGER than ever. Those who are antifragile say “Bring It On” to adversity, obstacles and fear, and use everything as fuel for growth.

Confidence = Intense trust in yourself. This kind of trust isn’t given, it’s EARNED, and you earn it by ‘DWYSYWD’ - Doing What You Say You Will Do. By doing the hard, when others want to do the easy. By committing to doing what you know is best for you, whether you ‘feel’ like it or not.

So, Antifragile Confidence = Unbreakable trust. Once cultivated, you’ll no longer be relying on results for confidence, as you’ll know that you can handle and respond to anything the game of life or baseball throws your way. Then, as a by-product, those ‘results’ will come your way, and your confidence will soar to levels you never thought possible.

That is TRUE confidence and it is a game changer, both ON and OFF the field.

Now, how can you develop this unwavering belief in yourself and bounce back stronger than ever before? The key is to view these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Rather than letting failures define you, they become catalysts for improvement and fuel for your determination.

Here are 10 tips for developing Antifragile Confidence:

  1. Accept that it’s not supposed to be easy: It all starts with this. The journey towards excellence (Areté) and the best version of you is supposed to be challenging. Know that and embrace it. Don’t fight it. 

  2. Have an Attitude of Gratitude: Take time every day to appreciate all of the blessings in your life. This will change your overall outlook on life (your perspective) and you will 100% show up with a different energy. You’ll find yourself happier, and failures / setbacks / struggles will no longer affect you as much.

  3. Be a Warrior, not a Victim: When things don’t go your way you have two choices…

    1. Be a Victim and feel bad for yourself, have bad body language, make excuses, and blame others. OR…

    2. Be a Warrior, say GOOD, ask yourself “What is the most important thing I can do right now?”, then respond powerfully and go do that thing. (Warrior path = way more success)

  4. Think OMMS (Obstacles Make Me Stronger): Approach obstacles, challenges and adversity OMMS style and they all become fuel for your growth. Thank the universe for giving you something that WILL make you stronger (if you approach it that way that is 100% what will happen!)

  5. Get comfortable being uncomfortable: Just outside of your comfort zone is the ramp towards your infinite potential. The more you step outside of it, things will seem easier, but they’re not, you’re just stronger. It’s the only way to truly grow.

  6. DWYSYWD (Do What You Say You Will Do): If you say you’re going to do something, DO IT. This is how you earn an intense trust in yourself and become the best, most confident version of you.  

  7. WIN or LEARN: Truly adopting this mindset will lead to way more fun, and also way less pressure, stress and anxiety before, during and after competition. Know that no matter how good you are and how prepared you are, you will not ‘succeed’ all the time. You WIN or you LEARN.

  8. Practice positive self-talk: Use affirmations and constructive self-talk to build resilience and maintain a positive mindset in the face of setbacks.

  9. Seek support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of coaches, teammates, and mentors who can provide encouragement and guidance during challenging times.

  10. Develop a growth-oriented routine: Establish a routine that incorporates deliberate practice, goal-setting, reflection, and self-care. Consistency and structure contribute to building and maintaining antifragility.

Remember, Antifragile Confidence is not about avoiding failure or never making mistakes. It's about embracing those experiences and using them to propel yourself forward. By developing this mindset, you'll thrive in the face of adversity, as you bounce back faster and stronger than ever from the inevitable setbacks ON and OFF the field.


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